
Why Mr. Good Enough Is Actually Your Perfect Man

New York Times bestselling author, Lori Gottlieb, shared some insightful relationship advice on Ryan’s radio show today.  Her hardback book, “Marry Him: The Case for Settling for Mr. Good Enough” is filled with knowledge she acquired from experts after wondering why, in her thirties, she still hadn’t met Mr. Right.
The essence of the book, she shared, centers around “what actually makes people happy in marriage, and are we looking for those things when we’re dating?” In her exploration, she “discovered that the kinds of things we look for when we’re dating have nothing to do with whether we’re going to be happy in a marriage with this person.”
LISTEN | Lori Gottlieb Calls Ryan Seacrest
Gottlieb told Ryan that part of the reason women who want to be in relationships remain single is because “[they] carry a long list of things in [their] heads,” and if the guy they’re dating doesn’t possess them all, he’s thrown to the wayside.  This is exactly what Lori Gottlieb is protesting.
Make no mistake, she’s not talking about settling.  She merely points out that women should try seeing their partner’s characteristics that are “less than ideal” as “part of the package, rather than as a deal-breaker.” She explains, “Women give up the eight to hold out for the 10, only to get a five in the end.”  This, she says, is how women end up settling. She maintains that “Marry Him” is “not asking anyone to give up the fairytale,” but rather, to accept someone great for flaws as well as features!  With this, Mr. Good Enough transforms into Mr. Right.

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